It was realized with the tight collaboration of several international organisations:
Bre Archimede Salerno, District of Salerno, District of Lecce (from Italy)
Regional Culture Office – Junta de Extremadura (from Spain)
Promo Free Time (from Portugal)
The goal is to spread the culture against racism, xenophoby and intolerance.
The project previews the setting up, in the ambit of Negro Festival 2002 of three exhibitions of art:
“Visionari” installation of images and music
“Victimae Mundi” slides and projection
“The dreams of children” sculpture in iron.
Two practical laboratories had been done during the days of the festival, open to everyone:
one laboratory of collective painting (Leave your draw)
one laboratory about the art of restoration (from degradation to revival)
music, dance and unrehearsed shows, made counterpoint to the initiative of the Village.