The innovation that follows the rise of activity in research, technological change, the space-time diffusion of the innovation and it’s transfer to the productive world, gives always a big importance to the Law of patents for industrial invention.
National patents system, not so long ago, made fall down it’s concession rights of patents, exclusively reduced to one state, being this an inadequate solution in a context of constant social and political change. Following this evolution, in the last thirty years, international initiative made easier to inventors the access to protection in several countries depending in the procedures of deposit and tests, save to the national services the repeated execution of a similar test, and unify the law of patents in an international and european level.
Bre Archimede promotes, since the 90’s, informatics’ activity, training and seminaries for the diffusion of Tutelage of Intellectual and Industrial Propriety. It had made such activity in the field of technological innovations programmes from UE: VALUE and INNOVATION, in collaboration with the net IRC (Innovation Relays Center)
Particularly, with IRC IRIDE of Technopolis ENEA and with l’IRC IRENE from ENEA from Bologna, making of technology transfers and patents days with the support of EUROPEAN OFFICE OF PATENTS, across Italy.
Considering all this facts, it comes the publication of the work written by the Director of Bre Archimede, Avv. Achille Bianchi; Archimede in Europa: Guida al brevetto Europeo”, vademecum per le Piccole e Medie Imprese for the protection of technological research result.
BreArchimede conducts also other research of technological partnership, between agencies in Italy, Europe and Third Countries States, it offers assistance and consulting in the redaction of contracts of privacy, licence and assignment of rights.
To know more about marks and patents inside UE: